Free Stuff

Free Audio Books

LibriVox is hosting free Christian audiobooks:


The Hexaemeron BASIL OF CAESAREA (329 – 379)
The Miracles of the Lord Jesus Christ – Commentary on the Gospel of St Matthew St. John CHRYSOSTOM (c. 349 – c. 407)
Morning and Evening: Daily Readings Charles H. SPURGEON (1834 – 1892)
On Christian Doctrine Saint AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO (354 – 430)
Ten Homilies on the First Epistle of John AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO (354 – 430)

How to Read a Book

From How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler:

You cannot find terms in dictionaries, though the materials for making them are there. Terms occur only in the process of communication. They occur when a writer tries to avoid ambiguity and a reader helps him by trying to follow his use of words. There are, of course, many degrees of success in this business. Coming to terms is the ideal limit toward which writer and reader should strive. Since this is one of the. primary achievements of the art of writing and reading, we can think of terms as an artistic use of words, a skilled use of words for the sake of communicating knowledge.

Let me restate the rule for you. As I phrased it originally, it was: spot the important words and figure out how the author is using them. Now I can make that a little more precise and elegant: find the important words and through them come to terms with the author. Note that the rule has two parts. The first step is to locate the words which make a difference. The second is to determine their meanings, as used, with precision.

Free Monday – Understanding Calvinism’s thinking, behavior, and Language

As referenced in Podcast EP180 The Cult of Calvinism:

Part 1. Calvinism’s socialization processes—milieu control—a closed system of logic: The society of Calvinists dramatically differs from mainstream protestant Christianity and Catholicism, in the emphasis it puts on adherence to doctrine. The doctrine becomes a cherished identity marker, and a trophy, which separates the Calvinist from all other Christian groups. The doctrine sets them apart as superior. The doctrine is therefore sacred. Calvinist pastors can be observed brooding over their congregation’s assimilation of the doctrine. It is quite common for Calvinist leaders to counsel congregations against exposing themselves to alternative forms of biblical scholarship, no matter how highly that scholarship is recognized internationally. The Calvinist authority structure seeks to exert a much higher degree of control over information. Thus Calvinism sociologically, has for many years, been a closed system, with its own unique values and its own unique language, applying what social psychologists call, milieu control. The control processes at work within the Calvinist authoritarian social structure, controls feedback from group members and refuses to be modified, which results in a closed system of logic. It is consistently observed that Calvinists manifest a pronounced degree of partisanship—an almost obsessive allegiance to the doctrine and to idolized persons, prompting the concern that the respecting of persons within the system is so pervasive, that it may represent a form of seductive entrenchment to which Christian youth are significantly vulnerable.

Full paper.

Cullman’s Classic Work Christ and Time

Oscar Cullman:

Primitive Christianity knows nothing of a timeless God. The “eternal” God is he who was in the beginning, is now, and will be in all the future, “who is, who was, and who will be” (Rev. 1 :4) . Accordingly, his eternity can and must be expressed in this “naive” way, in terms of endless time.

Free DTS Course on Genesis


From the website:

Genesis is taught by Dr. James Allman, DTS professor of Old Testament Studies. We believe that the whole Bible, as Paul says in Timothy, is “useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness”. That’s why we’ve made this course, Genesis, free for the first time.

This course is designed for those who want to:

learn more about the first book of the Bible
grow in understanding of who God is and why He created you
deepen their walk with the Lord by applying the text to their life

Atheists Point Out Contradiction Between Omniscience and Free Will

From Arguing Against Gods:

Another tricky issue is whether or not genuine omniscience is in any way compatible with free will – either ours or the alleged god’s. To start with our free will, it has been observed many times that if a god knows the future with infallible certainty, then what this god knows will necessarily happen – there is no possibility for anything else to occur. We are, then, incapable of altering the future. Although the concept of human “free will” is hotly contested, I’m not aware of any theory of free will which could be considered compatible with a being perfectly knowing the future. If a god knows who will win the next presidential election, then it isn’t possible for anyone else to win. That’s predestination – and some theologians have unflinchingly embraced it, for example John Calvin.

Free Monday – Unpredictability and Indeterminism in Human Behavior

The full PDF can be found here. An extract:

This essay presents arguments for the view that complex human behavior of the type that interests educational researchers by its nature unpredictable if not indeterminate, a view that raises serious questions about the validity of a quantitative, experimental, positivist approach to educational research. The arguments are based on (a) individual differences, (b) chaos, (c) the evolutionary nature of learning and development, (d) the role of consciousness and free will in human behavior, and (e) the implications of quantum mechanics. Consequently it is argued that educational research that attempts to predict and control educational outcomes cannot be successful and that educational research should focus on providing descriptions and interpretations of educational phenomena to provide findings that can be used to improve our understanding of learning, development, and education and to facilitate their evolution.

Free Monday – Does God Control Everything

Calvinist RC Sproul is offering a free kindle pamphlet Does God Control Everything. A sample:

Providence is not the same thing as God’s foreknowledge or prescience. Foreknowledge is His ability to look down the corridors of time and know the outcome of an activity before it even begins. Nevertheless, it is appropriate to use the word providence with reference to God’s active governance of the universe, because He is indeed a God who sees. He sees everything that takes place in the universe. It is in full view of His eyes.

This can be one of the most terrifying thoughts a human being can have—that there is someone who is, as Jean-Paul Sartre lamented, an ultimate cosmic voyeur who looks through the celestial keyhole and observes every action of every human being. If there is anything about the character of God that repels people from Him more than His holiness, it is His omniscience. Every one of us has a keen desire.

Free Monday – How the Salvation of Cornelius Refutes Calvinism

Will Duffy writes an article: How the Salvation of Cornelius Refutes Calvinism.

An excerpt:

Monergism would necessitate that Cornelius has already been regenerated at this point. For Calvinism would not describe an unsaved man the way Luke describes Cornelius here. Yet prior to his conversion, Cornelius was a devout man, and feared God. He also gave alms and prayed to God always. Though contradicted by numerous biblical examples, according to Calvinism, unregenerate men cannot do good in the sight of God. And in contrast to Ezekiel’s warning to the man whose “righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered”, regarding Cornelius, the Apostle Peter says, “Cornelius, your prayer has been heard, and your alms are remembered in the sight of God” (Acts 10:31). Yet the book of Acts shows clearly that Cornelius had yet to experience salvation.

Free Monday – Objections to Calvinism

Library of theology is hosting a free PDF of Randolph S. Foster’s Objections to Calvinism:

An excerpt:

This book is the creature of circumstance. It had never existed, but for reasons over
which the author himself had no control. He wrote because it seemed necessary to write–
not because he had any ambition for authorship. He made a book, not with “intention of
forethought,” but almost before he was aware of it and without any pretense whatever.
The church of which he is a humble and obscure minister had been long and grievously
assailed by one of the principal organs of a sister denomination, her doctrines and usages
held up to public odium as perverted by the pen of misrepresentation, her influence for
piety questioned, and whatever was peculiar to her organization ridiculed and
calumniated. And this ungenerous course was commenced and pursued by an accredited
champion at a time when peace and Christian union had long existed, against
remonstrances on our part, and published deprecations of the consequences which were
certain to ensue.

We endured for a time. But this only seemed to whet the envenomed appetite of an
adversary who seemed intent to devour us. The greater our reluctance, the greater his
ferocity. It now seemed that to remain longer silent would not only be a reproach to
ourselves–a matter which, alone considered, gave us little concern–but must also weaken
the force, if not peril the interests, of truth itself. It was under such circumstances that the
substance of what is contained in this volume was given to the public through one of the
journals of our church in a series of letters addressed to the reverend gentleman who
seemed so anxious to discuss our respective differences. This is our apology, if any is
necessary, for sending to the public a volume which, it may be, some unacquainted with
the facts might conclude was uncalled for. Truth and religion required it. The time had
come when the real issues needed to be stated, and truth vindicated.

Free Monday – Deconstructing the Book of Job

From author David Clines, Deconstructing the Book of Job

An excerpt:

According to the Satan, God must be thinking that Job does fear him gratuitously, that the piety of Job therefore is unmotivated and is the origin of his prosperity. The Satan’s own suspicion is that it is the other way around, and that it is Job’s prosperity that is the origin of his piety, that it is only in order to become prosperous or remain prosperous that Job is so exceptionally pious. When the point is put to him, God has to admit that he does not know the difference; he had been assuming all along, as do most humans, that the principle of retribution runs from the deed to the result, and not from the result to the motivation. God therefore has to allow an experiment to be carried out on Job to discover whether the dogma of retribution, to which he has been giving his assent, is true.

Free Monday – Yale Lecture Courses Introduction to the Old Testament

Yale University is hosting a free course: Introduction to the Old Testament. An excerpt from a lecture 3:

So, one of the things I’ve tried to claim in describing Genesis 1 is that in this story evil is represented not as a physical reality. It’s not built into the structure of the world. When God rests he’s looking at the whole thing, [and] it’s very good, it’s set up very well. And yet we know that evil is a condition of human existence. It’s a reality of life, so how do we account for it? And the Garden of Eden story, I think, seeks to answer that question. It actually does a whole bunch of things, but one thing it does, I think, is try to answer that question, and to assert that evil stems from human behavior. God created a good world, but humans in the exercise of their moral autonomy, they have the power to corrupt the good. So, the Garden of Eden story communicates what Kaufman would identify as a basic idea of the monotheistic worldview: that evil isn’t a metaphysical reality, it’s a moral reality. What that means ultimately is that evil lacks inevitability, depending on your theory of human nature, I suppose, and it also means that evil lies within the realm of human responsibility and control.

It is true — and maybe this will go a little bit of the distance towards answering it — it’s by eating of the fruit in defiance of God, human beings learn that they were able to do that, that they are free moral agents. They find that out. They’re able to choose their actions in conformity with God’s will or in defiance of God’s will. So paradoxically, they learn that they have moral autonomy. Remember, they were made in the image of God and they learn that they have moral autonomy by making the defiant choice, the choice for disobedience. The argument could be made that until they once disobeyed, how would they ever know that? And then you might raise all sorts of questions about, well, was this part of God’s plan that they ought to know this and should know this, so that their choice for good actually becomes meaningful. Is it meaningful to choose to do the good when you have no choice to do otherwise or aren’t aware that you have a choice to do otherwise? So, there’s a wonderful thirteenth-century commentator that says that God needed creatures who could choose to obey him, and therefore it was important for Adam and Eve to do what they did and to learn that they had the choice not to obey God so that their choice for God would become endowed with meaning. That’s one line of interpretation that’s gone through many theological systems for hundreds of years.

So the very action that brought them a godlike awareness of their moral autonomy was an action that was taken in opposition to God. So we see then that having knowledge of good and evil is no guarantee that one will choose or incline towards the good. That’s what the serpent omitted in his speech. He said if you eat of that fruit, of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you’ll become like God. It’s true in one sense but it’s false in another. He sort of omitted to point out… he implies that it’s the power of moral choice alone that is godlike. But the biblical writer will claim in many places that true godliness isn’t simply power, the power to do what one wishes. True godliness means imitation of God, the exercise of one’s power in a manner that is godlike, good, life-affirming and so on. So, it’s the biblical writer’s contention that the god of Israel is not only all-powerful but is essentially and necessarily good. Those two elements cannot become disjoined, they must always be conjoined in the biblical writer’s view. And finally, humans will learn that the concomitant of their freedom is responsibility. Their first act of defiance is punished harshly. So they learn in this story that the moral choices and actions of humans have consequences that have to be borne by the perpetrator.

Free Monday – Universalism for Open Theists

From Gordon Knight’s Academia Account, Universalism for Open Theists.

The abstract:

Abstract: In this paper I argue that the denial of middle knowledge and emphasis on human freedom characteristic of open theism makes the traditional concept of hell even more morally problematic than it would otherwise be. But these same features of open theism present serious difficulties for the view that all will necessarily be saved. I conclude by arguing that the most promising approach for open theists is to adopt a version of contingent, as opposed to necessary, universalism.

More papers are linked on Knight’s profile.

Free Monday – Beyond the Bounds

John Piper is hosting a free book against Open Theism: Beyond the Bounds.

Click here for link.

An excerpt:

Open theism has become front-page news in evangelical theological circles.
Professors cannot teach any subject in the intellectual theological disciplines these days without paying some attention to what open theists are saying. And the discussion does not go very far before someone starts wondering where all of this came from. Did Clark Pinnock, Gregory Boyd, John Sanders, and others get their ideas from the Bible? Or were they driven to their model by some set of philosophical presuppositions? Casual observers have noted similarities between open theism and process theology. Is this new view simply process thought dressed up in a more evangelical garb? And while we are at it, we might also field questions from those on the other side of the fence who wonder whether and to what degree traditionalism has been influenced by philosophical concerns. Were the Nicene Fathers simply recapitulating Platonism? Are their contemporary children propagating biblical theology or Hellenistic philosophy?

Apologetics Thursday – Restraint of Free Will

Reposted from

From the Contemporary Calvinist:

I find it strange that Arminians [substitute Open Theists] always focus on whether or not God actively causes men to sin. Why don’t they ever seem to be just as concerned about whether or not God actively restrains men from sinning? Wouldn’t that also be a violation of free will?

Calvinists seem to try to make this point often. If Pharaoh’s army is crossing the Red Sea and God impedes them by crashing the waves upon them from all sides, this is claimed as a “violation of free will”. Because God is killing people, he is not letting them use their “free will” to cross the Red Sea.

Contrary to what the Calvinists claim, that is absolutely not a violation of free will; free will involves overriding someone’s internal will in order to override their internal thinking. Free will is not about physical or mental constraints imposed by reality. Just because gravity exists, does not mean my “free will” to want to be weightless is overridden. My “will” to be weightless exists whether or not I can make it a reality.

To illustrate: My children have free will. They chose whether to fight amongst each other or play nicely. But when they do choose to fight, I may step in and resolve the matter. When faced with possible consequences and barriers to fighting, my children decide whether to try to defy me or back down. Defying me can be in a mental or physical aspect. Because I am about 8 times their weight, physical resistance usually is not a good choice (another plus: I never lose a “tickle” fight). Mental defiance in my children, I cannot control.

While I can never flip a switch to make my children obedient, I can help guide their mentality towards obedience. I might “break” them, as we commonly use the term. “Breaking” them involves changing their mind due to external stimulus. Only when I am able to convince them that they need to change will they actually change. I can do nothing except guide, lead, and convince.

God does this too. King Nebuchadnezzar was a great and mighty king. Daniel 4 describes an instance in which God wants to humble King Nebuchadnezzar:

Dan 4:24 this is the interpretation, O king, and this is the decree of the Most High, which has come upon my lord the king:
Dan 4:25 They shall drive you from men, your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make you eat grass like oxen. They shall wet you with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over you, till you know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever He chooses.
Dan 4:26 “And inasmuch as they gave the command to leave the stump and roots of the tree, your kingdom shall be assured to you, after you come to know that Heaven rules.

God cannot just override Nebuchadnezzar’s will. It would be infinitely easier for God to just “enforce” His will by overriding human will. God need not “flood the Egyptians” (Exo 14), “make Zacharias mute” (Luk 1), or “send lying spirits to convince false prophets” (1Ki 22). If God overrode wills, God could just “make the Egyptians decide to turn around”, “make Zacharias name his son John”, and “make Ahab decide to go to battle”. But the Bible does not describe this. God instead uses his resources to physically and mentally stop and manipulate people. God plagues Nebuchadnezzar both physically and mentally, turns him into a psychotic beast, in order to make him humble. This works, and Nebuchadnezzar is much more humble than before the humiliation.

This is in contrast to a robot. A robot has no free will. It is every programmer’s dream to even simulate free will. A robot cannot truly choose to perform an action. Instead, every decision is determined by coding. Even computer generated “random” number are not truly random numbers, but instead determined by complex formulas. Computers, even if not physically or mentally restrained, do not have free will.

Free will is not constrained by physical and mental impediments. Free will is our internal decisions, apart from physical and mental capabilities or limitations. When Calvinists see God killing someone as “limiting that person’s will” we should correct them. God impedes individuals, but nowhere in the Bible “limits their will”.

Free Monday – The Omniscience of God and Open Theism

Evangelical Arminians is hosting a paper by Ron Callaway entitled The Omniscience of God and Open Theism. This is a work against Open Theism. An excerpt:

Genesis 22:1-15
Genesis 22 is the well-known and beloved story of Abraham’s willingness
to sacrifice his son Isaac in order to obey the command of God.
The first verse of the passage tells us that God was “testing” (“tempt”
KJV) Abraham. In verse 12, the Angel of Yahweh tells Abraham not to
harm the boy, “for now I know that thou fearest God.”
Open theism, against classical Christian belief, says that the purpose
for the test was for God to “know” or to find out if Abraham really did
fear him. While Abraham probably benefited from the experience, God
needed to know whether Abraham really feared him. He apparently
thought that he did, but he needed to be sure. “If one presupposes that
God already ‘knew’ the results of the test beforehand, then the text is at
least worded poorly and at most simply false.”44
Classical Christianity has understood the use of “now I know,” spoken
by God in this passage, to be an anthropomorphic manner of God’s
expressing what he already knew concerning Abraham’s faith. Rather
than being a test for the Lord, it was Abraham himself who was “justified
by his works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar” (James
2:21; cf. Hebrews 11:17; Genesis 22:5).
Open theists claim that they are the ones who are reading the text
correctly by denying that this is an anthropomorphism. God needed to
know, so he put Abraham to a genuine test. But the classical theologian
asks, “Then what about Genesis 3:9-13 in which God asks Adam a series
of questions? Was God also looking for information in this case as well?”

Free Monday – The influence of Greek ideas and usages upon the Christian church

A free book for anyone interested in serious Bible study. Edwin Hatch examines Greek influences on the Christian church.


“few, if any, writers write with the precision of a legal document, and the inverted pyramids which have been built upon chance phrases of Clement or Justin are monuments of caution which we shall do well to keep before our eyes. ”

The influence of Greek ideas and usages upon the Christian church

Free Monday – Open View of God Syllabus

Below is the Syllabus on the Open View of God seminar provided by Truth or Tradition:

The Open View of God Syllabus


PART V. Sixteen reasons to believe in the Open View of God
1. It makes God the loving, responsive, relational, personal, and passionate God we see in
the Bible.
Both theologians who believe that God has exhaustive foreknowledge and theologian who
believe the Open View of God recognize that the Bible says God has emotions such as joy,
sorrow, anger, and jealousy, and that He even repents of some things. However, each theological
system explains them differently.

The Bible says that God has:
• Joy and Rejoicing: Deut. 28:63; Ps. 104:31; Isa. 62:5.
Isaiah 62:5 (ESV) “For as a young man marries a young woman, so shall your
sons marry you, and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God
rejoice over you.”
• Sorrow and Grief: Gen. 6:3; Jug. 10:16; Ps. 78:40; Isa. 63:10
Psalm 78:40 (ESV) How often they rebelled against him in the wilderness and
grieved him in the desert!
• Regret, repentance: Gen. 6:6; Ex. 32:14; Ps. 106:45
Exodus 32:14 (KJV) “And the LORD repented of the evil which he thought to
do unto his people.”
Exodus 32:14 (NASB) “So the LORD changed His mind about the harm which
He said He would do to His people.”
• Anger: Ex. 4:14; Num. 11:11; Josh. 7:1; Judg. 3:8
Exodus 4:14 (ESV) Then the anger of the LORD was kindled against Moses
• Shocked or appalled: Isa. 59:16
• Jealousy: Deut. 32:16; 1 Kings 14:22
• Displeasure: Zech. 1:15
• Laughter (mocking laughter): Ps. 2:4; 37:13
• Hate: Prov. 6:16-19 (God hates evil)

Free Monday – Books by B B Warfield is hosting several free books by B B Warfield.

Faith and Life (eBook) by B. B. Warfield
Studies in Theology (eBook) by B. B. Warfield
Biblical Doctrines (eBook) by B. B. Warfield
Calvin and Calvinism (eBook) by B. B. Warfield
Augustine & The Pelagian Controversy (eBook)
The Making of the Westminster Confession (eBook) by B. B. Warfield
Sermons and Essays from the Works of B. B. Warfield (eBook) by B. B. Warfield

Free Monday – Arguments Of Celsus, Porphyry, And The Emperor Julian

Understanding the earliest Christian critics gives modern readers an understanding into the thought process of the ancient world. Arguments Of Celsus, Porphyry, And The Emperor Julian, Against The Christians takes the existing words of these Christian critics and compiles them into one convenient source.


Project Gutenberg

Unanswered Questions – Leading Israel

To those who believe God controls all things or that the future is set.

Exo 13:17 Then it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, “Lest perhaps the people change their minds when they see war, and return to Egypt.”

Why didn’t God lead Israel by way of the land of the Philistines?

Free Monday – Dispensationalist Books

There is a site hosting just about everything written by Stam and Baker:

For PDFs, click here. Below is a list of books:

Things that differ – C.R. Stam

Two fold purpose of God- C.R. Stam

True Spirituality- C.R. Stam

Moses and Paul – C.R. Stam

No other doctrine – C.R. Stam

Thessalonians – C.R. Stam

Law and Grace – C.R. Stam

The authors Choice – C.R. Stam

1 Corinthians – C.R. Stam

2 Corinthians- C.R. Stam

Pastoral epistles- C.R. Stam

Romans- C.R. Stam

Our great commission- C.R. Stam

Man his nature and destinyC.R. Stam

Satan in derision C.R. Stam

The controversyC.R. Stam

The present perilC.R. Stam

Acts – 1 C.R. Stam

Acts – 2 C.R. Stam

Acts 3 C.R. Stam

Acts 4 C.R Stam

Real Baptism

Bible truth

Understanding the book of Acts

Understanding the Gospels

Dispensational theology

A dispensational synoposis

Dispensational relationships


Understanding the body of Christ

The unsearchable riches of Christ


The mystery

Lordship salvation

The power of salvation

The city of two tales

Shure Words of Prophecy

Understanding your Bible

Riches of Christ P. Sadler

Ephesians – P. Sadler

Marriage – P.Sadler

The gifts – P.Sadler

Depression – R. Jordan

Romans – R. Jordan Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6

Ephisians – R. Jordan

Manuscript Evidence part 1 Manuscript Evidence part 2 R. Jordan

Free Monday – 14 Free Books

Calvinist website Desiring God is offing 14 free books.

Adoniram Judson: How Few There Are Who Die So Hard!
Alive to Wonder: Celebrating the Influence of C. S. Lewis
Andrew Fuller: I Will Go Down If You Will Hold the Rope!
David Brainerd May I Never Loiter On My Heavenly Journey!
Disability and the Sovereign Goodness of God
Doctrine Matters: Ten Theological Trademarks from a Lifetime of Preaching
Good News of Great Joy: Daily Readings for Advent
John G. Paton: You Will Be Eaten By Cannibals!
Love to the Uttermost: Devotional Readings for Holy Week
Martin Luther: Lessons from His Life and Labor
Preparing for Marriage: Help for Christian Couples
Sanctification in the Everyday: Three Sermons by John Piper
Take Care How You Listen: Sermons by John Piper on Receiving the Word
A Tribute to My Father: With Other Writings
An All-Consuming Passion for Jesus: Appeals to the Rising Generation
Captive to Glory: Celebrating the Vision and Influence of Jonathan Edwards

For pdfs and descriptions, click here.

Free Monday – Learn to Read Greek

From, a list of free Greek resources:

Greek Answer Keys

A Brief Introduction to New Testament Greek Key, Samuel G. Green
First Greek Book Key, John Williams White
First Greek Writer Key, Arthur Sidgwick
Greek Prose Composition Key, North and Hillard
Greek Prose Composition Key, Arthur Sidgwick

Greek Composition Textbooks

First Greek Writer, Arthur Sidgwick
Greek Prose Composition, North and Hillard
Introduction to Greek Prose Composition, Arthur Sidgwick
Lectures on Greek Prose Composition, Arthur Sidgwick
Selections from the Septuagint, Conybeare and Stock

Greek Lexicon/Dictionary

First Four Books of Xenophon’s Anabasis, William W. Goodwin
Illustrated Dictionary to Xenophon’s Anabasis, John Williams White
Pocket Lexicon of Greek New Testament, Alexander Souter

Greek Reading Text

Book Twelve of The Odyssey in Greek, Richard A. Minckwitz
Easy Selections From Plato, Arthur Sidgwick
Georgics Book IV in Latin, T.E. Page
Plato’s Apology of Socrates and Crito in Greek, Louis Dyer
Prometheus Bound of Aeschylus in Greek, F. D. Allen
Selections From Herodotus in Greek, W. Walter Merry
The Gospel of St. Luke in Greek, H.R. Heatley
The Iliad by Homer Books XIX – XXIV in Greek, Edward B. Clapp
The Odyssey by Homer Books V – VIII in Greek, B. Perrin
Xenophon’s Anabasis in Greek – Book VI, G.M. Edwards

Greek Reference Grammars

Greek Grammar, William W. Goodwin
Greek Grammar, Herbert Weir Smyth
Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb, William W. Goodwin

Greek Textbooks

A Brief Introduction to New Testament Greek, Samuel G. Green
A First Greek Course, Sir William Smith
A Short Syntax of New Testament Greek, H.P.V. Nunn
First Greek Book, John Williams White
First Greek Grammar Accidence, W. Gunion Rutherford
First Greek Grammar Syntax, W. Gunion Rutherford
Homeric Greek – A Book For Beginners, Clyde Pharr
Introduction to the Language and Verse of Homer, Thomas D. Seymour
NT Greek in a Nutshell, James Strong

For listing, click here.

Free Monday – Open Theism Varients paper

In this paper by Alan R. Rhoda, he lays out some principles of Open Theism. Here is the abstract:

ABSTRACT: The goal of this paper is to facilitate ongoing dialogue between open
and non-open theists. First, I try to make precise what open theism is by
distinguishing the core commitments of the position from other secondary and
optional commitments. The result is a characterization of ‘generic open theism’,
the minimal set of commitments that any open theist, qua open theist, must affirm.
Second, within the framework of generic open theism I distinguish three important
variants and discuss challenges distinctive to each. The significance of this
approach is that it helps avoid conflating arguments bearing on specific versions of
open theism with arguments pertaining to open theism simpliciter.

For full paper, click here.

Free Monday – Greek for Beginners

On Scribd, Machen’s NT Greek for Beginners is being hosted:

For link, click here.

A Greek Resource

From Facebook group Open Theism:

For those who are interested, a powerful tool for determining the meaning of a Greek word by comparison to its use in ancient Greek documents is the word frequency search tool at the Perseus Digital Library:

For instance, in a discussion on this page regarding the Greek word “proginōskō” translated “foreknew” in Romans 8:29, a word frequency search of hundreds of Greek manuscripts, I located “proginōskō” in 55 different ancient writings and about 100 references.

After finding where it was located in ancient Greek writings, each writing can be selected to see how it is used in the actual text.

For example, the word “proginōskō” is found in The Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus in 21 different places. I selected one, Book I, Section 311 (which corresponds to Book I 19:9 in my E-Sword copy) and found:

“Jacob also drove away half the cattle, without letting Laban know of it beforehand (proginōskō)…” (Greek word added to identify original)

In this particular passage, “proginōskō” does not mean “foreknow” but rather “to be aware”, as it does in other New Testament passages. Jacob failed to make Laban aware that he was driving away half the cattle. Had he told Laban, Laban would have been aware of the fact. He would “know” it ahead of time in the sense of awareness, not absolute detailed knowledge of a pre-determined event.

It doesn’t add much to the discussion, but it reinforces the idea that the knowledge need not be absolute in nature, but only planned ahead as Jacob had planned to drive away the cattle.

Anyway, it is a valuable tool for ancient Greek research…

open theism

Free Monday – Andriod Bible Software

While e-sword is the best free software for Windows, the best free software for Android is MySword (unrelated developers).

The best free software for tablet Bible study is MySword. It is easy to use, supports many free Bibles (such as the KJV, the Majority Greek, the Critical Greek, the Septuagint, etc), hosts a good variety of commentaries, and includes various dictionaries. One of the best downloads is the Greek New Testament Byzantine with conjugations and declensions listed of all words:

2  Ἦσαν G1510 G5707 V-IAI-3P ὁμοῦ G3674 ADV Σίμων G4613 N-NSM Πέτρος G4074 N-NSM, καὶ G2532 CONJ Θωμᾶς G2381 N-NSM ὁ G3588 T-NSM λεγόμενος G3004 G5746V-PPP-NSM Δίδυμος G1324 N-NSM, καὶ G2532 CONJ Ναθαναὴλ G3482 N-PRI ὁ G3588 T-NSM ἀπὸ G575 PREP Κανᾶ G2580 N-PRI τῆς G3588 T-GSF Γαλιλαίας G1056 N-GSF, καὶG2532 CONJ οἱ G3588 T-NPM τοῦ G3588 T-GSM Ζεβεδαίου G2199 N-GSM, καὶ G2532CONJ ἄλλοι G243 A-NPM ἐκ G1537 PREP τῶν G3588 T-GPM μαθητῶν G3101 N-GPM αὐτοῦG846 P-GSM δύο G1417 A-NUI.

In the modern world, people no longer have to be able to know Greek to read it!

Free Bible Software

The best free software for Bible study is e-Sword. It is easy to use, supports many free Bibles (such as the KJV, the Majority Greek, the Critical Greek, the Septuagint, etc) and pay Bibles (such as the NKJV), hosts a good variety of commentaries, and includes various dictionaries. One of the best downloads is the Greek New Testament Textus Receptus with conjugations and declensions listed of all words:

Joh 21:2 ησανG1510 V-IAI-3P ομουG3674 ADV σιμωνG4613 N-NSM πετροςG4074 N-NSM καιG2532 CONJ θωμαςG2381 N-NSM οG3588 T-NSM λεγομενοςG3004 V-PPP-NSM διδυμοςG1324 N-NSM καιG2532 CONJ ναθαναηλG3482 N-PRI οG3588 T-NSM αποG575 PREP καναG2580 N-PRI τηςG3588 T-GSF γαλιλαιαςG1056 N-GSF καιG2532 CONJ οιG3588 T-NPM τουG3588 T-GSM ζεβεδαιουG2199 N-GSM καιG2532 CONJ αλλοιG243 A-NPM εκG1537 PREP τωνG3588 T-GPM μαθητωνG3101 N-GPM αυτουG846 P-GSM δυοG1417 A-NUI

In the modern world, people no longer have to be able to know Greek to read it!

Library of Theology Resources

On Kerrigan Skelly’s website he hosts plenty of literature on Open Theism. Although Skelly is not an Open Theist, Jesse Morrell helped him collect these resources.

On his website he hosts resources such as The Open View of God by Gregory Boyd.

And the essay by Elseth on Katabole, a chapter out of his classic Open book Did God Know? (out of print).

For the link, click here.

Free Intro to Predestination and Free Will


Bob Enyart is hosting the introduction to his “Predestination and Free Will” seminary. Download now at

From the site:

…the question of whether or not God has planned out each person’s life affects us. Does God have a plan for your life? Does a blueprint exist for your future? Did God predetermine whether or not you would get married, and to whom? Did God plan whether you would be wealthy or poor, happy or sad? If God does plan your life, does He do so in minute detail or in general themes? If God has a plan for your life, are you able to alter that plan? This topic directly influences people concerning how they live their lives. As Christians, we must seek God to accurately portray the LORD to others. For any misrepresentation of God will dishonor Him and perhaps bring harm to those misled.